Heed Not

Good Morning! Someone is disrespecting chickens. I am not pleased, but they aren't my chickens so I can't do anything about it. The chickens in focus are contained in a cage so small they're almost standing on each other. There were a lot of chicken interactions this week, come to think of it, but chickens were not the best thing to happen this week. We baptized a young man named Kutler, he's super committed to the gospel and the family has great support from their ward. We started teaching him the second day I was here, it was a wonderful experience to see him get baptized. I had the privilege of doing the confirmation, that was a really special spiritual experience. I won't mention every exchange I do, but this one left Elder Fiame and I together for 48 hours. The first day we worked in my area, and the second we split even further with our Zone Leaders. I was in La Verkin, Toquerville, and Pintura throughout the day. I enjoyed seeing a new area and learning fro...