Honoring the Lord's Confidence

Good Morning! The absolute best part of this week was Morgan's baptism. We began teaching Morgan at the beginning of September, She is elect in every way, and made this decision entirely on her own. Her family came down for the baptism, and wanted to make sure she was doing this of her own will. She bore her testimony and I am confident in her faith and commitment to the gospel. It's amazing to have watched this process happen, even though I had almost nothing to do with it. God placed me here, and sent her to us. I'm grateful for every opportunity to share the gospel, especially with those willing to receive it. Aside from an amazing baptismal experience, not much else happened this week. I was on exchanges with Elder Macfarlane, and we visited Kanarraville. We didn't know why we were going; both of our key reasons to drive down had canceled long before we had to leave. However, the Spirit prompted us to go. So go we did! As far as miracles go, we met Colton. He love...