Focus on the Covenant Relationship

Good Morning! There are now two dedicated temples in the Utah, St. George Mission! The Red Cliffs Temple Dedication yesterday makes St. George the only city to ever have the oldest and newest active temples in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I love that little fact. I had the privilege of attending the Manti Temple Open House on Tuesday. It was a beautiful temple, I loved the murals and all the intricacies in the design. It was a beautiful place to be, and I got to go through with all the Elders in the mission! That made it even more special. One thing our guide shared at the start of the tour stood out to me. He said that "Today, we are only presenting the box. What really matters is how the ordinances inside bring us closer to Christ." That's a loose quote, but I loved the ideas behind it. I love the architecture of the Manti Temple. Yet I was informed that the ordinances inside are more personal than other temples because of the time it takes to tran...