I'm Not Dead Yet . . .

Good Morning!

I'm not dead yet, which I consider to be an amazing accomplishment. The planes didn't fall apart, and in fact were early for both airports. My luggage did indeed transfer from my DFW flight to my Salt Lake flight, and I have been successfully shuttled over to the MTC. 

Fun story about the shuttle, this dude is driving, and he's a pretty cool guy. I was in the back with Sisters and Elders I don't really know, but we're driving down the highway and the cars in front start braking. Well, he finally hits the brakes and we almost rear-end some car, but three cars further and someone actually HAD rear-ended someone. So, we almost made that accident worse. Then we took a wrong turn when entering the MTC grounds and almost took out a telephone pole and a rock in quick succession just turning around. Long story short, I'm still not dead by this point. 

Now that I survived the long and arduous journey, I can actually enjoy my MTC experience, and it's been a wonderful ride so far. A couple facts to know. The showers are pretty much public, there's individual shower stalls, but it's still a bit awkward for me. Bathrooms are also communal, but there hasn't been a problem there yet . . . sometimes the food is interesting though. The chocolate milk is good, I guess, but everyone hypes it up so much. I haven't had chocolate milk in a number of years, so it tastes good, but that's it. Someone mentioned putting potatoes in theirs, I guess it's a thing. At least, in Idaho that is (good luck Grant). 

As for classes, I have them twice a day mostly, for about six hours total. They give us breaks and stuff, but it's been a really wonderful way to bond as a district. I've enjoyed contributing insights, as well as the ones everyone else shares. They all have a different perspective, so when they speak up I find I'm learning something new. I've already taken plenty of detailed notes on different subjects of the gospel, which I won't bore you with here. Suffice it to say I've gained a stronger testimony of the gospel and various principles within, and I'm learning a little more on how to better teach someone. 

Let me just say, for not being around mountains for very much of my life, having some literally a half mile away or something is incredible. They're not the tallest, but someone informed me that I'm already like 2,000 feet above sea level. Someone fact check me on that, I don't think Google will tell me the answer. Once I heard that I started drinking more water, but I feel like a tourist more than an actual missionary sometimes because I'll see the mountains and want to take a photo. Then I'll see them again and take another one. People may give me strange looks, but I can't tell anymore. They're just pretty. Also, it's supposed to be cold over here, but I haven't had cause to wear a jacket yet. It's kind of funny, I'm from Texas but have only really worn short sleeves. Sure it's been a bit nippy, but never that bad. I like the crispness in the air. Lastly, I kind of just missed fall. So there's few leaves on trees, they're all over the sidewalks leaving little leaf prints everywhere. They don't come off. I tried. 

On the topic of other small details in my life, I've almost fallen down (or up) the stairs a number of times. I'm just getting used to my shoes I think, but the steps are annoyingly shallow. It's like, give me a real step, I'm taking two at a time with my natural stride! But it's okay, the stairs in the dorms more than make up for it. Those things are pretty steep comparatively, so I'm more concerned about biffing it one night. Lastly, my ladder to the bunk bed (I sleep on top because otherwise I hit my head) is so painful to walk on, the square rungs are at an angle. It's like needles to the feet every morning so there's no chance of me falling back asleep. 

My companion, Elder Collier, is still really cool. He's got interesting insights and fun comments for just about everything, but his accent makes the joke land all the better. We read a scripture that ended with a question, so it normally reads; "Now I ask, is this faith?" He looked at that and said "Now I ask, is this faith question mark." That was hilarious, even when retelling it to the district they all found it hilarious. Another missionary of note is Elder Wright. He's a backwoods guy, who loves hunting, basketball, and potatoes. (He's from Idaho, don't worry, I promise it's normal.) I've been talking with him some more, and I've come to enjoy his thought process and his background in life. Yes he's taller than me, but it's probably because of the potatoes. 

I feel like I've written way too much now. I'm looking forward to Sunday tomorrow. I'd say more about all my district members, but then y'all would stop reading this, so I'll move on. I actually went to the gym today, which was weird because I was wearing tennis shoes for the first time . . . that felt like a whole new experience. I like my 'dress boots' a lot, my feet are getting used to the weight. I even polished them the night before I hopped on the plane, so I'm grateful my dad could teach me. 

Suffice it to say that I'm having fun. If you have specific questions about my life then email me. I love responding to them, and if you get it in today I'll make sure to send a response before I go to bed. I wake up at 6:30 every day (MST) and go to bed at 10:30, so I'm on a pretty standard schedule, though I'm always tired by the end of the day. Oh, and changing elevation like this has done a number on my lips, so I'm really grateful for chapstick. Glad I thought to pack some. 

Already I've had moments where I felt more alone and unwanted, despite being surrounded by friends. Yet every time I've found that sincere prayer followed by a district meeting has helped allay any concerns or negative feelings I've had. So if you're feeling down, I'd invite you to pray. While it's been about 90% fun and spiritual here, the 10% is still a very real influence. So take the time to pray when you're feeling down. 

That's it for this week. They're flying by, but I have one more full one at the MTC. Tomorrow is Sunday, I hear it's everyone's favorite, although busiest, day. 

Thanks for reading!

- Elder Williams

1. The view of Dallas 20 minutes into the flight from Tyler. 
2. A pretty vase of flowers (not real, shame) in the entry to the MTC. I was bored for a good hour here, so I made this my lock screen. 
3. The mountain with actual snow during a sunset. 
4. It's definitely the best sunset so far.
5. A pretty fountain outside the buildings.
6. Elder Collier and I posing for a selfie.
7. We found a map, the closest defining place we found for Utah was the word "Salt" written a good four or five times in the general area. 
8. Our district posing for the world.
9. A pretty study gazebo on a rooftop terrace. 


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