Be Not Afraid, Only Believe

Good Morning! It's been two months since I came home, as of yesterday. I know, it's hard to believe. I can confidently say that my Stake President and I have a plan in the works to send me back out. My return date will hopefully be around March 30th, which conveniently is also the next transfer date for the St. George Mission. However, the date isn't set in stone, so it could change over the next month. Nothing's certain until it's happened. Elder Gerrit W. Gong in his previous conference talk (Oct. 2021) stated; "Perhaps we don't see ourselves in the Church, don't feel we fit, feel judged by others." Feeling judged by those around us is a very common affliction, and one I've had to face head on quite recently. As you can imagine, coming home from a mission, with a two-year commitment on my shoulders, was challenging. Before I left St. George I spent about a week in denial, wishing the verdict would be reversed, that somehow I could stay and av...