Press Through the Storm

Good Morning!

Monday evening I had the opportunity to attend a lesson with our local missionaries. It was a fun reminder of what missionary lessons are like, though we held it in a park, when the weather was like 40 degrees. And I forgot a sweater, but it's fine. Not many unusual or exciting things happened. We're still working with the buffalo, but we found some new friends for them. 

We now have two new ranch dogs, both are Great Pyrenees, and are super white and fluffy! The older one is a boy, he's just shy of two years, and we named him Mr. Darcy. Lizzy is the girl, she's just a puppy, and a little more energetic. Both are super lazy, so they'll follow you and then sit down, and they don't bark at everything that moves. We keep them near the buffalo, so far both sides seem okay with the other. Loud, energetic dogs are bad to have around buffalo because they resemble wolves and the buffalo don't like that. It makes things harder, which is why we like our lazy, fluffy dogs. 

I've done a ton of reading this week. It really is a special feeling of completion when you finish a fantasy series. Of course the series has to be a good one, otherwise that satisfaction never comes. My grandparents are also in town, that was a welcome surprise. We'll be spending most of our days at the ranch this week, which is why I'm writing this earlier in the day. 

There are two videos from Come Follow Me that I watched this week. They left me feeling at peace and comforted. Both are linked below, as their message of hope and perseverance is important. It reminds me of the story where Jesus is walking on water. His Apostles were working all night, but it wasn't until the fourth watch, like 3-6 in the morning, that Jesus was spotted. Though the disciples were scared, they still called out, and Peter even walked on the sea as well!

"In the face of affliction or trial, you may be like me and hope that the rescue will be immediate. But remember that the Savior came to the aid of the Apostles in the fourth watch of the night - after they had spent most of the night toiling in the storm. . . . To those who are waiting in the fourth watch of the night, perhaps still in the midst of suffering, do not lose hope. Rescue always comes to the faithful, whether during mortality or in the eternities."
(Look down the Road, Elder Alvin F. Meredith lll, Oct. 2021)

This truth is evident in the two videos; we can find rescue in the Lord's time. It will always come. It does take a degree of humility to accept that things will happen outside of our personal plans, but He's always there for us. I know we can find safety and refuge through the storms of life. I've experienced this acutely these past couple months, and throughout my life. 

Stay productive this week, and remember to pray! 

- Talmage Williams

(Yes, the dog names come from the movie Pride and Prejudice)

1. Clouds!
2-3. Buffalo babies!
4. Mr. Darcy feeling lazy.
5. Lizzy found Mr. Darcy.
6. Amazing quote Facebook found.
7. Photo by Sandra outside our church building.
8. Mr. Darcy and myself.
9. Beautiful ranch sunset


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