The Parable of the Lost Buffalo

Good Morning! It's amazing how a wonderful start to the week can fall apart so quickly. After a wonderful Monday passes, Tuesday brings the news of my flight date . . . on May 10th. To perhaps better understand the impact this had in my mind, I'll draw on a very recent experience of mine. Imagine for a minute that one of your baby buffalo had slipped through the fence. There it is, standing outside the barbed wire, likely confused why the fence moved. So you talk to it reasonably. You love this buffalo, and you know that he'll do what you want if you gently coerce him back to the gate. Then he'll be safely contained, and you'll be happy knowing everything worked out just how you wanted. This buffalo, #111, has different plans. After you try to tell him what he should do and guide him to the gate, he decides he's had enough. He turns and runs into the forest, leaving you behind and abandoning the fence you'd built just for him. You have worked hard on this...