Thy Spirit, Lord, Has Stirred Our Souls

Good Morning!

This past weekend was General Conference, where we spent 8-10 hours listening to the Prophet and Apostles speak to the world. The messages they shared were amazing, you could learn something from every single talk. I took a lot of notes throughout the four sessions, and received answers to my heartfelt questions. It was very uplifting to learn more about Christ from every speaker.

One of the themes throughout the conference was a question; how can we strengthen our belief in Jesus Christ? There were many routes offered by the speakers, but a similar question crossed my mind. It's easy to say "I believe," but does that belief always translate to action?

Earlier this week while driving along the highway, I pondered over an interesting scenario. If the Prophet were to show up outside my house and tell me to do something outrageous, like move to Kansas or something, would I have the faith to do as he asked? We believe the Prophet is the mouthpiece for Jesus Christ, and receives revelation from him to guide His church. So a request from President Russell M. Nelson, no matter what it is, would be a pretty big deal. 

After thinking "I'd probably say yes," a different situation came to mind. What if Jesus Christ HIMSELF showed up outside my home and asked me to move to Kansas? Well duh, I'd move. Obviously. But, I realized that Jesus wouldn't appear at our doorstep like that. His primary method of communicating revelation is through the Spirit, what we in the Church of Jesus Christ call the Holy Ghost. 

Here's the kicker. If the Holy Ghost came and gave the same request as the Prophet could potentially offer, would I listen? How often would I brush aside the prompting because it didn't come from someone standing in front of me? Because it came from someone without a physical body, or definite mortal 'authority'. The Prophet's on a busy schedule, but the Holy Ghost is always willing to communicate God's will to our hearts and minds. 

So - would I listen? Is my belief firm enough that I could trust God's promptings, regardless of my own desires or presumptions? 

That is my question for you today. This is the difference between professed belief and action. It's simple to claim belief at the pulpit, or in the front row of the congregation. But when it comes to the wire, is our belief strong enough to prompt us to action? To move mountains? To trust in a loving Heavenly Father who has our best interests at heart?

Even if we aren't called to do something outrageous, or seemingly impossible, what kind of man or woman do we hope to become? True belief will allow us to change the lives of others through the small moments in life. We can be a tender mercy in the life of a neighbor, friend, relative, or stranger, simply by how we live the gospel. Do we live it with professed belief, or by true internalization? The first leads to a decline of spiritual receptivity, and the other lifts us and those around us. It provides the chance to grow.

One way the Holy Ghost can reach our hearts is through the medium of music. The hymns, from the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square, were exceptional throughout the conference. I particularly enjoyed the following song. This one is by no means the most popular at our Sunday services, but it struck a chord in my heart. 

Thy Spirit, Lord, has stirred our souls,
And by its inward shining glow
We see anew our sacred goals
And feel thy nearness here below.
No burning bush near Sinai
Could show thy presence, Lord, more nigh.

"Did not our hearts within us burn?"
We know the Spirit's fire is here.
It makes our souls for service yearn;
It makes the path of duty clear.
Lord, may it prompt us, day by day,
In all we do, in all we say.

I know that President Russell M. Nelson is the Prophet of God on the Earth today. He truly wants the best for all of us around the world, and is directed by the direct hand of Jesus Christ. I know the Apostles are the modern day servants that Peter, James, and John were in the meridian of time. I also know that the messages shared throughout this past General Conference will guide and change our lives these next six months if we'll only listen to the Holy Ghost, and the promptings he brings. 

With the answers the Holy Ghost has given to my personal questions, I plan to continue down the covenant path. I am eager to more fully reach my potential as a son of my Heavenly Father. I'm striving to listen. 

Are you?

- Talmage Williams

A scattering of bison and their tongues.


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