The Pickleball Master

Good Morning! It has been a fantastic Thanksgiving weekend; despite the entire campus being dead, we found 4 new friends to begin teaching! It's been an amazing holiday week, only because we crammed our entire Monday - Wednesday with lessons and contacts. After Monday the apartments were dead, so we couldn't go tracting, but we made it work! Funny enough, it's actually through tracting that we found all our people this week. One of those people is named Dylan. She is really awesome! She opened her door on us, we strike up a conversation, help her carry some things inside, and then proceed to talk for an hour outside her apartment and answer questions with scriptures from her Bible. And it was a really healthy, spiritually led conversation! Elder Koyle challenged her to pickleball this morning. She was super nice and let him start 8-0 and have first serve. Did I mention she's the #1 female collegiate pickleball player in the nation? Yeah, she beat Elder Koyle 11-8. Bes...