Flashes of Spiritual Light
Good Morning!
This has been the busiest week of the mission thus far. Every day was an eternity, but by the end I could barely remember what happened to the time. It feels like I've spent weeks in the service of God, when in reality I only spent 7 days. Diligent, focused work is the most rewarding thing you can do as a missionary.
Sean was baptized on Saturday! He is super prepared for gospel living, and has a true testimony of the change, or repentance required, to follow Jesus Christ. I am so proud of him and all he's done! The biggest thing I could share about Sean is this; The reason he met with missionaries is because he approached some members at the soccer field and stated "I want to be a Mormon." It's an absolutely priceless story. His personality is so unique, I've loved teaching and preparing him for baptism.
One reason this week was so crazy is because we did three exchanges! First I went to Elder Kingrey's area. He's a Spanish missionary, which means a good portion of the lessons we taught were in Spanish! This only emphasized how little I truly understand of the language, but I was able to understand what the discussion pertained to during the lessons! Elder Kingrey is such an example of Christlike love and inspiration, being with him reminded me of other inspiring missionaries I've met as I've served in the Utah, St. George Mission.
Next, I guided Elder Dobson in the YSA Stake, and it was a wonderful experience. He had many good questions, which I was able to answer. I've enjoyed seeing his growth and getting to know him a little better. When we met up we drove into the gorge between Mesquite and St. George, and it was raining! It was a beautiful sight to see, I loved it. However, my pictures are nonexistent because of the rain.
It was after this exchange that I had my interview with President Staples. Here I will reference the title; "Flashes of Spiritual Light." During the interview I felt the Spirit very strongly, and an increased sense of love. I left that interview with a heightened sense of how I can improve, and how to inspire others around me. These ideas resulted from little 'flashes' of light. Brief moments of inspiration on how to improve personally, and how to fulfill responsibilities one has. In the Church of Jesus Christ, we call this personal revelation. This personal revelation is a direct result from the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost all baptized members of Christ's Church have the right to.
During the third exchange of the week, this personal revelation truly came into play. I was with Elder Pedersen, who I've served around in the past. During the exchange I felt God's love for him, and was given the revelation necessary on how to inspire his growth as a missionary. There are two less personal experiences I will relate briefly.
We met with a gentleman named Ben, who has been contemplating serving a mission. He wasn't certain if it was what he should do. After sharing a couple personal experiences on how I found the inspiration to serve with all my heart, might, mind and strength, Ben thanked me for the idea to seek inspiration, rather than serve simply because of an obligation.
Right before we left the Institute building, not 5 minutes after the lesson with Ben ended, and I had the door open. I glance behind me and this guy says something I feel is directed at me, so I stop, close the door, and we visit with him for 20 minutes. This act wasn't consciously thought out, I just knew I should close the door and talk to him. He is struggling after returning from his mission (6 years ago) and feels lost and alone. During our conversation, I testified of the Book of Mormon, how it brings us a conversion unto Jesus Christ as our Savior, and how it would change his life if he read a bit of it daily and acted on what he read. He wasn't expecting that, but as I shared with him Moroni's promise at the end of the Book of Mormon, the Holy Ghost was undeniable. I felt it, and I knew he felt it too.
These experiences were only possible through the little, almost imperceptible, flashes of spiritual light that guided my decisions and actions throughout the day. Because of personal revelation, and guidance from Heaven, Elder Pedersen and I were able to influence lives in a personal manner, the way the Savior would.
After an enlightening, spiritually present baptismal service for Sean, Saturday passes and Sunday comes. This Sunday was our fast and testimony meeting; where members of the congregation can stand and share a portion of their testimony at the pulpit. I shared my testimony in every ward we attended, and was grateful for the experiences from each. It was a witness to me that sacrament meetings truly are revelatory experiences, and the Spirit will be felt strongly if we remain open to it.
During one testimony, I compared these flashes of spiritual light I'd received to a photograph. For early cameras, when the photograph was ready to be taken, the lens was removed from the opening for a split second. During this fraction of a second, light would enter the otherwise dark interior of the camera, landing on the photographic plate. The layer of chemicals on the plate absorbed the light and retained the 'image' seen outside, all before the lens slid back into place. These images are not available for viewing yet, until later gone through the exposure process that draws the image out for the enjoyment, and clarity, of all who gaze upon it.
This process is similar to how our soul recognizes and acts on spiritual promptings. When we get that split-second "flash", do we always recognize it as a prompting from God? I rarely do, at that moment. Many times I am left to act on the thought, or the impulse, and witness the results at a later date. For example, when we talked to the man who was struggling with his testimony, there wasn't anything concrete to why I closed the door. I had a simple thought, barely stronger than an impulse, and instinctively reacted to it. Instead of walking out of the Institute building, we shared a powerful witness of Jesus Christ with someone who needed it.
Remember the flashes of spiritual light you receive. Begin to recognize them, and credit your Father in Heaven who sent them. He is always guiding us, helping us to grow and change our own lives, and the lives of others. It is when we take the time to recognize the flash, act upon it, and follow God's Will that we come to realize a picture far grander than we could have otherwise envisioned.
- Elder Williams
Mailing Address:
881 South River Road
St. George, Utah 84790
P.S. We had the opportunity to visit some of the local historical sights this Preparation Day, I truly enjoy the church history here in St. George!
1. Sean's baptism!
2. Across the room inside the Tabernacle.
3. From the pulpit at the Tabernacle.
4. Elder Koyle and I at the St. George Tabernacle!
5. The St. George Brigham Young home!
6. More from Sean's baptism!
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