Behold Your Little Ones

Good Morning! It has been a week! This is one of those weeks where everything feels a bit off. We began the week with our Zone Conference, it was fantastic as usual. The theme was "Believe", and there are a few things I really enjoyed! For example, I've now realized that I can invite my friends to believe in the message we carry as missionaries. That was something I hadn't understood before. I'll be using that this week for sure. Now although trials come in our lives, God is a God of miracles. After the Zone Conference we began an exchange in Panguitch, with Elder Payne. It's a beautiful area, but by the end of it I wasn't feeling too well. I ended up sick through the next couple days, mostly recovering by Friday (when I began another exchange, this time with Elder Dickey!) The miracle was that, despite being sick, it happened just after and just before some pretty important events during the week. Because I was sick, and unable to do much work, and the...