The Process

Good Morning! We started off the week with a fantastic restoration lesson! Elder Jorgensen and I flowed super well together, it was a beautiful learning period for Matthew King and his mother, and we answered questions just the right way to make it all click. Then we asked Matthew the first three baptismal interview questions, he said yes to everything so we set a baptismal date for March 25th! That was fantastic, I love Matthew. We set another baptismal date with our friend Steven! He's come to a few lessons with the Boone family, who have 3 children on-date for March. We taught him a few times, but never officially started teaching him because we didn't know where he lived or if his parents are okay with it. But we found out all is well, so he's set! And then, here's the highlight of the week: Jamie was baptized! She is such a fun person to talk to, I've loved working with her and helping her better understand the gospel. She's the oldest person I've help...