Tender, Loving Mercies
Good Morning!
Missionary work is unpredictable, I've learned that very well this week. On Thursday we had 8 people set to begin teaching the gospel to, and then they all canceled. Then they canceled again when we rescheduled! It was kind of impressive, actually. Then, we met an older couple on Thursday, and a mother / daughter on Friday. Both sets of people are prepared and ready to receive the restored gospel. But they didn't want to commit quite yet, despite me throwing everything I could think of at them! It's okay, both interactions were fantastic, so I know they'll be prepared for the future, even if it isn't me that gets to teach them.
Now, we attended Milford again and found a potential person to teach! We're going back Wednesday to see how interested he really is. But then, here's the exciting part! We visited with Anna again, after 10 days of her being sick and unable to meet. It was a great lesson, the Spirit really took over. We started making a plan of how to overcome her obstacles to getting married, and then how to use the resources she had to achieve that goal. Her date is rescheduled for March 25th, she will be ready for sure! She's one of the 5 baptisms coming up in March. And our friend Jamie is getting baptized this weekend! She's fantastic, I love working with her.
We had a fairly discouraging Thursday through Sunday, simply because everyone didn't want to talk to us. However, as I continue to look back positively, I'm able to notice the many interactions that went really well! The four people I've mentioned previously, plus a couple hidden children we've found who need to be baptized. We'll try and start teaching them this week. Finally, we gave talks on Sunday where a young woman who's been struggling, but loves the church, was in attendance. Both Elder Jorgensen and I gave great talks, so I hope they helped her personal testimony.
Lesson learned: even when life feels discouraging, God has a wonderful habit of placing many little, tender mercies in your path. He will lead you to where you need to go! I have a strong testimony of that, which has been tested and strengthened this past week.
Valentine's day was by far the highlight of the week! Not because it was a holiday, though it was rather convenient. Tuesday was so great because I was able to return to Salina for the day! I was on exchanges with Elder Tremelling, who is Elder Dearing's new missionary! So he's like my descendant. How often does that happen? He's doing well, still learning but that's to be expected. No, the real highlight was visiting so many of the people I've come to know and love!
I met Finnegan, he's still wonderful and wild as ever! Kenyon called me dad, I didn't know what to say to that one! Estella was so excited, she wouldn't stop talking. I visited with her mother, Tesha, for a few minutes. It was good to reconnect. I stopped by Char Smith, Joshua Wasden, Zackary Cowan and Reed / Carley Udy, all members I've worked closely with. It was bittersweet going back for the day, but it was worthwhile. I remember how much my friends love me, and how much I love them. I didn't get to visit everyone, but that's fine because we were doing missionary work! It was a busy, fulfilling, no-time-to-stop kind of day. That's how all days should be.
There's positives wherever you look. I'm excited for the work and grateful to be in Beaver. I would say I'm starting to figure out why I'm here. However, I also know I'll never fully understand until I've left. But that's the joy of missioniary work. It's special and very unique, I intend to cherish every second of it!
With love,
- Elder Williams
Mailing Address:
1265 North 100 West
PO Box 2259
Beaver, UT 84713
1. Sunset of fire!
2. Photo with the Joseph's after our only successful lesson where we found a new friend!
3. Brother Cowan, an amazing seminary teacher!
4. When it's snowy AND windy, this happens outside your garage door.
5. So we found cheap steaks at the grocery store, and had some grilling fun on Wednesday! Turns out they're still cheap so we're doing it again this week!
6. The view off the Bradshaws hill.
7. Deer! Finally a half-decent photo too!
8. This is Greenville. There's no work going on there. We probably won't be back until the end of next transfer if that.
9. Elder Jorgensen and I printing Daily Discoveries. They're great tools to help our friends connect with the scriptures! Credit goes to Elder Dearing for the idea.
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