Can You Hear the Birds?

Good Morning! This has been a really great week! Richfield is full of potential, and I am grateful to be a part of it! We had the end of March, and things are looking pretty solid for April! I'll share my favorite finding miracle this week: We met Jontay in our car. We were idling at a stoplight, not knowing what to do, so we just kind of sat there like good missionaries I guess. Then Jontay walked in front of our car, and I decided it would be a great idea to roll down the window and talk to him. Without thinking that thought through, I simply rolled down the window and yelled; "Hey, do you know anyone we could teach?" He looked confused (as he should) so I followed it up with "You should come over here so this is less awkward." I know, I'm brilliant. Turns out he's not a member and goes to church. Why he talked to us after that interaction I have no explanation for, other than God. We scheduled a visit with him, and then he even came to sacrament in...