
Good Morning! For starters, I became a chicken snatcher a few days ago. Our neighbors hens escaped, and we pulled up just in time. Those chickens stood no chance! I had two of them rounded up in no time. The best part is, my study desk overlooks their coop, so I can keep them under supervision at all times. They won't dare try to escape anymore, I can just tell! :) We had one impressive miracle this week: We found a new friend to teach in the YSA! I'm super excited for this, I have loved serving with Young Single Adults throughout my missionary service. Here's the process of events: - Elder Bagley parked us between two locations to visit, so we first approach a nearby YSA home. - As we walk to the house, a member we know drives by after having talked to a young couple walking with their dog. We wave to her - Nobody answers the door, but the member lady calls us and invites us to run down the younger couple. - Turns out they're legally not supposed to have contact fro...