
Good Morning! 

For starters, I became a chicken snatcher a few days ago. Our neighbors hens escaped, and we pulled up just in time. Those chickens stood no chance! I had two of them rounded up in no time. The best part is, my study desk overlooks their coop, so I can keep them under supervision at all times. They won't dare try to escape anymore, I can just tell! :)

We had one impressive miracle this week: We found a new friend to teach in the YSA! I'm super excited for this, I have loved serving with Young Single Adults throughout my missionary service. Here's the process of events:

- Elder Bagley parked us between two locations to visit, so we first approach a nearby YSA home. 
- As we walk to the house, a member we know drives by after having talked to a young couple walking with their dog. We wave to her
- Nobody answers the door, but the member lady calls us and invites us to run down the younger couple. 
- Turns out they're legally not supposed to have contact from the church . . . Oops. 
- We return to our car, having spent a good 10 minutes on an seemingly pointless excursion. 
- That's when I spot Jack. 

Jack lives in the basement of the YSA home we visited, with the entrance facing the completely opposite way. We shared a message, left him with a Book of Mormon, and invited him to church. The best part is that he actually came! He's a legend, I'm already excited to work with him. 

This has reinforced my testimony that God is preparing all His people, and all we have to do is put ourself out there and strive to gather them in!

I've made it a goal to deeply study the new edition of Preach My Gospel before we get the color copies. It has been a good experience so far, and I'll get to burn through it in 2-3 months. For reference, Preach My Gospel is like our missionary manual for how to teach, how to find, and how to better trust in God. 

One thing I found interesting as I'd skimmed through the book immediately after publication, was how often it mentions the core doctrine of Christ: having faith in Jesus Christ, repenting, being baptized, and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost to endure to the end. It felt kind of repetitive, as one whole lesson we teach is centered on this doctrine. Why did every other section need an in-depth run through of these seemingly basic points?

I've since determined that everything I do needs to be focused on these points. Elder Baltzer taught me (on an exchange) that if we aren't here to baptize converts to Christ, then we're losing sight of our missionary purpose. I've always known this. I've done my best to live it. But with this reminder, I can more fully embrace the depth to Christ's doctrine. It is all encompassing. It heals. It redeems. It is possible, because of HIm. 

I continue to draw closer to my Savior. I continue to need Him in my life, always. 

There's no need to be afraid.
Even when you lose all your strength.
If you call on His name,
Then He'll go before you,
His love is with you, Always.

These are lines in a young song the church released back in 2020. It's been one I've liked for a while, but I feel the chorus above will continue to teach me throughout my life. God always loves you. The Savior is here for you. These are truths I know. But there's one more I've come to understand:

We are loved far too much to remain the way we are. 

I look forward to further growth this week. I am eager to continue my progress as a missionary, a disciple of Christ, and a child of God. Because He will be with me, always. 

- Elder Williams

1. Sunset 1
2. Sunset 2
3. Peacocks! Sorry, no chickens today :(
4. Ending exchanges, part 1.
5. Ending exchanges, part 2!
6. Elder Macfarlane shared a cool photo of Jesus Christ with me. 


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