Onward & Upward

Good Morning! I will start off with the highlight of the week, or maybe even the two transfers I've been in Cedar City: Eldean was finally baptized! Everything seemed to go wrong from the very beginning. As soon as we entered the area she proceeded to miss coming to church on Sunday, so we rescheduled her baptism. Then we found other struggles that we began to support her in on her road to covenant making and keeping. After a huge battle with Satan she finally came to church in the last week of September! We reset her baptism, then she didn't come to church again, then we moved forward, she ghosted us twice because her cell service cut out . . . this has been an adventure. All this is a perfect example of how intent the adversary is on ruining our lives and keeping us from God and His strengthening power. But because of diligence on our part, perseverance on hers, and many tender mercies, she finally made her first covenant this last weekend. I'm super proud of her and...