Onward & Upward

Good Morning! 

I will start off with the highlight of the week, or maybe even the two transfers I've been in Cedar City: Eldean was finally baptized! 

Everything seemed to go wrong from the very beginning. As soon as we entered the area she proceeded to miss coming to church on Sunday, so we rescheduled her baptism. Then we found other struggles that we began to support her in on her road to covenant making and keeping. After a huge battle with Satan she finally came to church in the last week of September! We reset her baptism, then she didn't come to church again, then we moved forward, she ghosted us twice because her cell service cut out . . . this has been an adventure. 

All this is a perfect example of how intent the adversary is on ruining our lives and keeping us from God and His strengthening power. But because of diligence on our part, perseverance on hers, and many tender mercies, she finally made her first covenant this last weekend. I'm super proud of her and her commitment to the gospel. She's doing a great job. And here's a bonus, she's from Milford! I used to serve there and actually met her aunt in Beaver before getting transferred. Life comes full circle sometimes. 

There are two other huge successes for the week. Ale attended the St. George Temple Open House with us, and we helped Daniel set a plan for baptism! 

Daniel is another example of someone who has struggled recently, but is hopefully back on track. After working with him for almost three months, he finally attended church in person yesterday! This is in part due to his desire to commit himself to God. He is ready and willing to be baptized, so we set a plan to do so. We will continue to support him in his goals. 

We are given the opportunity to bring one of our friends to the St. George Temple Open House while tours are running. After lots of thought we felt impressed to bring Ale, one of our friends. We've been helping her progress and gain a desire to forge a connection with God, but it's been a slow process. While at the Temple, she really opened up spiritually. She asked so many questions and felt so good while inside! We feel it's a very strong point of progress for her. She also brought two of her friends who aren't members of the church. 

One of these friends is William. At the end of the tour I took the opportunity to share my testimony with him and challenge him to meet with us. At the beginning of the tour, William could only comment on the architecture. By the end of the tour and our testimonies, he stated that there's something here he's never felt anywhere else. He proposed a challenge; he's going to read the Book of Mormon fully over the next two months and if he feels there's something to this he will reach out. He stated he would absolutely be baptized if he learned this was the truth. We shared Moroni's promise that when he reads the Book of Mormon and asks God with a sincere heart and a desire to act, he will know the Book of Mormon is a true record of Christ. 

I love missionary work so much!

In my studies I'd felt prompted to study in Doctrine & Covenants section 18, but I wasn't sure what I was looking for.  The following scripture stood out to me.

Doctrine & Covenants 18:44
And by your hands I will work a marvelous work among the children of men, unto the convincing of many of their sins, that they may come unto repentance, and that they may come unto the kingdom of my Father. 

I know this verse was meant for me at that time. It's helping me move forward, and have faith and hope in God. It's teaching me to be more teachable, more positive, and ultimately more humble. It encourages me to give the glory to God, for it's by His hand that this work is accomplished. I have had a fantastic missionary experience so far, and I'm enjoying every second of it. 

One thing my dad continues to remind me is to finish strong. I appreciate this encouragement because that's one of my fears. That somehow, someway, I'll relax a little too much. I intend to enjoy my time as a missionary, but I fully intend for it to be an uphill growth curve the whole way. To quote Elder Clark G. Gilbert: "In the Lord's timing, it is not where we start but where we are headed that matters most . . . Our future will be determined far less by our starting point and much more by our slope." 

It doesn't make a difference where I started, so long as the growth is onward and upward. Eldean was a fantastic example of diligence and a positive slope of growth. I know many other friends who are on those same upward slopes, moving forward in their lives. I absolutely love seeing them grow, and myself grow. But the best growth is when we grow closer to our Father in Heaven. 

I'm excited to see where the week takes us! It'll be inspiring, regardless what happens. Time to finish strong.

- Elder Williams

Mailing Address
881 South River Road
St. George, Utah, 84790

1. District Council!
2. St. George Temple tour! Ale is the one in the very middle.
3. Elder Beaudette & I at a Thai place. 
4. Elder Beaudette & I on exchanges.
5. Eldean at her baptism!
6. Cedar Breaks part 1.
7. Cedar Breaks part 2.


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