Pictured Perfectly

Good Morning! Here's my favorite part of the week: The first day of the new transfer Elder Dickey opens the front door and lo and behold, there sits a Christmas gift! In fact, it's more than a gift; someone has started a 'Secret Santa' with us! It was amazing for the first two days, and then we got more sweet treats, and then a little more, and now we don't know what to do because we're running out of counter space! In all reality, I'm super excited for a surprise every evening. But I have no clue how I'm supposed to consume all this sugar because Elder Dickey already said he sure won't. But I did hook him on Danish butter cookies, so there's progress. I enjoy working with Elder Dickey, I continue to be impressed by the scriptures and personal experiences he will share in lessons. I've come to find that every one of my companions has a unique story, which makes them a special child of God. I've been blessed to love all my companions, so...