Keeping A Cheerful Soul

Good Morning!

A terrible tragedy occurred in our family last Wednesday . . . My mom tested positive for Covid-19. 

Well, luckily it's not as bad as it sounds. Most everyone in the family experienced some level of headaches or fevers, and some slightly congested noses, but that was it. My mom was the only one who took a test, as it was safe to assume the rest of us had the disease. She was tired for a few days, we all were, but we're moving past it now. 

Instead of attending church yesterday, we stayed home and watched sacrament meeting through zoom. I enjoyed it because it helped bring the spirit into our home, which hadn't been super present throughout the week because of everyone's general lack of will. I have been improving in my scripture study, and I've found my burdens to be lightened. If you're feeling heavy, that's my suggestion. It's only a suggestion, but you never know until you try. 

I enjoyed the privilege of poking our Instapot and making dinner Sunday evening. It was some kind of chicken alfredo, it tasted amazing. The base ingredients were noodles, chicken, and various cheeses. Delicious! I'm adding it to my recipe book. 

Keeping it short today, I wish you all well! If you need something from me or if there's a way I can help just let me know. I'll do my best!

- Talmage Williams


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