Worldwide And Heavenly Bonds
Good Morning!
I love writing these emails. Partly because I get to bug everyone and hear their comments on my thoughts, and partly because it's a joy to write. Writing to me is a way to immerse myself in another world, assemble my thoughts, and explore creative solutions and challenges that allow layered characters to grow and become more than what they could be. Reading is very similar, only I'm not the one in control. This helps me learn from and enjoy another's creative process and work.
Have you ever made a friend astonishingly quickly? I was invited to attend a locally performed play, titled "The Play That Goes Wrong." This proved to be one of the funniest performances I've seen, theatrical or through a screen. Yet, after the evening I was left with a new friend, one who shares many of my views on reading and writing. I'm enjoying having a good friend to talk to about books, and all things writer.
A quick thought I'll mention is that my heart goes out to the people in peril around the world, with a current emphasis on the people of Russia and Ukraine. I do not have a direct connection there, though I have two friends who were called on missions to the area. One Sister was asked to leave Russia after only being there for a few months, and it was her perspective that helped me see that no country should be judged just because of a government. People everywhere around the world are special to God, and He knows every one of them, including me.
I've taken the opportunity this week to read more in the book "Jesus The Christ" by James E. Talmage. I'm more than 300 pages into it now, and every page is amazing. I've learned a ton about Jesus and his ministry, along with more cultural background than I'd had previously. I also began watching the second season of "The Chosen", which has helped me give more personalities to the various Apostles and other prominent figures in the New Testament. I find it fun to recognize the same scenes between the two sources, and deepen my own understanding of Jesus Christ.
I finished the Book of Mormon Sunday night, and took the opportunity to record my feelings about it in my journal. I won't share those here, but I will say that I have found many spiritual truths within its pages. I'd encourage everyone to read it for themselves. Don't dismiss the Book of Mormon off someone else's opinion, give it your own honest shot and consult with God about what you find.
I've mentioned the significance good people have had in my week, of which my family can all be included. I know that there are good people everywhere in the world, and it is well worth our time to build good relations with those we find in our life. However, one of the most important connections we can make is with our Father in Heaven.
It takes a lot of spiritual sensitivity to be aware of all the small promptings in my life, and I know I probably miss a bunch each day. This past week I had the pleasure of recognizing when I missed such promptings. It sucks when this happens because I'm left feeling kind of dumb. For instance, 'obviously you shouldn't have sent that email in the morning, you should have waited,' or 'why did you fight with your sister again? You'd find more success if you took a different approach'. Unfortunately, after it's too late I get to experience the art of fixing these mistakes as best I can.
President Rhodus has mentioned that I tend to view things hour by hour. I can't remember everything that caused this comment, but one thing I CAN see about myself is that I will analyze and critique my own actions, and struggle to determine what was the best course of action. It's like editing, but after I've already written it in sharpie across the wall. Thankfully, Jesus holds the paint can.
One of the Prophet's points in a conference address was: "Third, act in faith. What would you do if you had more faith? Think about it. Write about it. Then receive more faith by doing something that requires more faith."
(I will link the talk below if you wish to read it.)
In my own life of trying to live as best I can, I often fall short of my own expectations of perfectionism. I miss a spiritual prompting, or skip a day of reading the scriptures, or think poorly of an individual for a time. Sometimes I don't feel I know enough, and other days I'm overly confident about what I think I know.
Bishop Link made a comment in church about knowledge. He said that we often know more than we think we do, and have a stronger testimony than we're aware of.
I've come to see this in myself. As I study the scriptures and the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I find my beliefs strengthened and reaffirmed. I realize that I do have a powerful testimony in this gospel, and its restoration to the Earth. I hope that all members of the Church will be included with the good people of this planet, and that everyone can work together to spread peace and kindness everywhere.
I've also noticed a difference in my attitude and ambitions after temporarily returning home from my mission. When the Prophet stated that we should "receive more faith by doing something that requires more faith" I thought that would mean going on a mission in my own life. However, after present events, I'm finding it's more faith promoting to struggle with the effects of coming home than if I'd stayed out in the first place.
If you want to see this difference in your own life, then turn to God. And if you want to see it in mine . . . just go read some of my first emails and see if I've changed or not.
I'd encourage everyone to increase your testimony in your beliefs. A strong, moral foundation followed by righteous actions are some of the best ways to promote peace among our communities, and love in our hearts. With those attributes, how can you not be included with the good people of our beautiful world?
- Talmage Williams
I've given the sitting buffalo a new term: Buffa-lumps! It's awesome.
Some of the photos were taken by my sister, Sandra. She has a wonderful passion for photography.
Lastly, the baby buffalo are finally split from the moms. That has been the purpose of our grind these past two weeks.
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