Mission President Letter Home

To the parents of Elder Williams 

President and Sister Kaluhiokalani have faithfully finished their mission leader service presiding over the Utah Saint George Mission for the last three years effective June 29, 2022.  We thank them for their inspired and devoted leadership.

Sister Staples and I have been overwhelmed at the love we have felt for, and from, these fine missionaries in the Utah Saint George Mission!  We have had the pleasure of meeting with each of them and introducing ourselves and we wanted to share a picture of your fine missionary with Sister Staples and me.

We are from Michigan, where we have lived for the last 20 years and have brought three of our five children with us to Saint George as we preside over the mission for the next three years and learn with, and from, these powerful and valiant young men and women. 

We, and the people of Southern Utah, are being blessed for their diligent service and we pray that you continue to see miracles in your lives and the lives of your faithful missionary. 

We will do all in our power to be worthy of and receive personal revelation for them and the mission to help them become greater disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ and to be life-long converts. 

Thank you for your support and entrusting your dear children to our hands and the Lord’s work in southern Utah!
President and Sister Staples
Utah Saint George Mission


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