Seeking and Expecting

Good Morning!

We put Taiji on date for baptism! He's excited, and ready for that commitment. We also found a few new people to teach, and we exceeded our goal to get people to church. There's still progress to make, but La Verkin is wonderful. It's also Independence Day today, which is making our Preparation Day a very interesting event. 

We have a new mission president and his wife, President and Sister Staples! They're amazing, I love them already and know they love us. Some policies will change, that's to be expected, and I hope to work with the Staples as best as I possibly can! They'll push this mission to greater heights! We met them last week and got to take pictures with them, and hear all about their family. I can't wait for my interview with President Staples. 

One thing the Staples asked us to do is to "seek and expect miracles" like our Prophet requested this past General Conference. I have immediately made a focused effort to do so, and it's gone well! I'm noticing small miracles throughout the day and discussing them with Elder Gibson. I am now praying to have more faith, so that I can witness more miracles. It's a wonderful addition to my end of day routine. 

On to the biggest miracle of the week . . . it rained! I hadn't realized how much I missed the smell of rain until it actually happened, then I rolled all the windows down and drove a casual 20mph. It was lovely. There's also a family here with the last name Oliphant . . . I love that last name. But it's not as good as Williams! 

I've gone on a few exchanges this week, as Elder Gibson is the District Leader. First I was paired with Elder Speed, who was a wonderful example of showing empathy during lessons. He's a wonderful Elder, and I hope we can serve near each other for a while longer. I also spent Saturday with Elder Carlile! He helped me focus my efforts on humility, and is doing a wonderful job in his area. Both Elders are amazing, I'm grateful to have a solid district I'm working with. 

I did learn some about reputations this week, and that of various missionaries. It's always a double-edged sword to do so, but my own reputation is the only one I have control over. I will continue to work for what is right, and keep the missionary standards. I also have respect for the other missionaries who strive to do so. It's important to remember everyone is good and less good in their own ways, and I can't stand and judge another for something I hear without truly understanding them. 

One thing I can do, however, is follow the example of Captain Moroni. During the war chapters in the Book of Mormon, Captain Moroni is in charge of all the Nephite armies. His method to war was one of preparedness, defence, and inspiration. He prepared the people according to their needs, such as gathering food, equipment, and holding proper training. He focused on defense through building up the weaker cities, and the places that were most vulnerable. Captain Moroni had a full grasp of strategy and faith, and used the Nephite armies to the best of his ability in defending the land. 

Lastly, Captain Moroni inspired his people. They didn't always want to follow him, or God, but through the title of liberty we see how he brought his brethren's focus towards their core principles of belief:

"In memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children." 

Those values are what sustained the Nephites back then, and brought them the faith in God to seek and expect miracles in their lives. These same values are what we should sustain as citizens of many nations, across the world! With a focus on our God, freedom, religious freedom, peace, and our families, we will find joy. The world would be a much more wonderful place. 

Captain Moroni commanded the respect of those he led, and as we devote our lives to our God and our family, and spreading peace and freedom, we will find and foster respect. If the world was ideal, then we'd all be focused on these values. But until that time, have the courage to make these values the center of your own life. Independence Day is significant for a reason, but let's not treat these principles as a one-weekend event. Incorporate it into your life, and you'll find life to be that much more meaningful. 

Continue to seek and expect miracles in your life. It's one of those skills that develops with practice. Even if a day feels bleak, God is blessing your life. Keep an eye out, and take the time to review them at the end of the day. It's blessing my life, and strengthening my belief in God. It'll do the same for you. 

Time keeps flying, but you'll hear from me again before you know it. Make this week a great one! Your attitude is whatever you choose, so stay positive and enjoy the miracles God is sending your way. 

- Elder Williams

Mailing Address:
103 S 400 W 
La Verkin, Utah, 84745

1. And the view from Toquerville! 
2. External view of Zion from inside Springdale, it's quite breathtaking. 
3. More Utah sky. 
4. The sky does some beautiful things out here, it's awesome. 
5. Elder Speed and I took an exchange photo!


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