Nursery Rhymes

Good Morning!

I had the opportunity this past week to go on an exchange to the Mt. Pleasant North Stake, an area I haven't visited since December 26th, 2021. It has been a long time away from my first area; in some ways it's changed a lot, and in others not so much. We visited people who I've visited when I served there, and turns out some may be interested! The Lord is hastening his work. 

I have learned a powerful phrase that teaches much about life, and the Gospel. It goes as follows:

True worship is emulation. 

As a writer I strive to better understand characters and who they are. One fun aspect to writing is the art of creating characters who aren't too 'stereotypical'. However, it's odd how stereotypes exist in the first place. 

I feel that because everyone strives to conform into their desired party or social group, stereotypes can't help but exist. For example, there's always the quiet teenager in dark clothing sitting in the corner. As such, stereotypes will likely never vanish because everybody is too busy trying to be like somebody else. 

Our true identity is to be children of God. We are His sons and daughters, heirs of all He has. 

Romans 8:
16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: 
17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.

As the children of God, we have a higher purpose. We can return to live with our Father in Heaven, forever! The scriptures teach us that the way back to our Father is through our Savior, Jesus Christ. Through following the example he set, we can accomplish our divine potential and purpose. 

This applies to our world of shifting values well. My dad has taught me a lot about life. I still draw on his wisdom often, recalling previous lessons learned through experience and his advice. That advice has proven to be helpful more often than not. I love my father and all he's done for me. 

In this world of shifting values and unstable ground, we can find joy, peace of conscience, and security through emulation of the Savior and His attributes, and reliance upon his Atonement. This is an opportunity I as a missionary have taken to share these teachings with everyone! Missionaries around the world are teaching all they can about these divine truths. 

When I was young in the mission, it was all I wanted to do to follow the example of Elder Bailey, Elder Koyle, Elder Goolsby, Elder Jorgensen, Elder Tollestrup, and Elder Rasmussen. I remember how bold, dedicated, and disciplined they were/are. I remember feeling included and full of joy when serving near them! I can recall the hours they've spent on the work, consecrating time, talents, abilities and everything they had for the cause of Christ. They were unfailing, despite uncertainty, and they exhibited devotion, most particularly when others relaxed. 

It hit me a few weeks ago that I have become this type of missionary. I emulate many of the traits they have so humbly taught me. Other missionaries, newer missionaries, look at me the same way I looked at Elder Bailey, or Elder Koyle. They respect me the same way I respect Elder Goolsby and Elder Rasmussen, or Elder Tollestrup and Elder Jorgensen. 

All I wanted was to be like all the other missionaries. It wasn't until yesterday that I understood we're all just trying to follow the Savior's example. 

This is not the church of Elder Rasmussen, fantastic as he is. Nor is it the church of Joseph Smith (though he's a wonderful man and the instigator of a 'marvelous work and a wonder'). He is, after all, just a man. Nor is it the church of President Staples, the current Mission President over the Utah St. George Mission, who is such a stunning reminder of humility and Christlike leadership. I love and respect him and his wife, Sister Staples, for everything they sacrifice to serve the Lord and lead this mission.

No, this is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This is Christ's restored church, brought back to the Earth through a continued pattern of revelation instigated in the days of Adam, carried on today through 17 modern Prophets and over a hundred Apostles. Your Savior leads and guides His Church today, of this there is no doubt in my mind. 

Romans 8:
38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 
39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

These calamities will not separate us from the love of God. Neither will they separate me from my conversion. I have told many people during my missionary service that I am converted to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I won't waver from His Gospel, but I cannot accept that my conversion is complete. 

True worship really is emulation. I've learned it from my father since my Nursery days, and I continue to learn it from my Heavenly Father in these days of probation. The scriptures are clear in this regard. 

John 14:
5 Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way? 
6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

It is my testimony that your life will be more peaceful, filled with greater joy, by following the principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as taught today through the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I know this work to be true. I will strive to declare it as long as I can while a missionary, and then for the rest of my life. 

This next week will be exciting, another week of wonderful opportunities. Our friend preparing for baptism just vanished on us, some things came up so we are rescheduling the service. But it's okay, he will be prepared, and baptized, in the Lord's timing. By striving to emulate the Savior's example, he, and you, will be drawn closer to the Kingdom of God. 

- Elder Williams

1. And this was a quote inside the boys home. 
2. We went to this boy's home in Moroni. It was a really good experience to serve them and share my testimony. This was the sky outside. 
3. Ephraim and the sky.
4. Elder Rodriguez and I on exchanges.
5. It's never this green in Indianola, but it is this year!
6. The sky in Spring City. 
7. Elder Rodriguez and Elder Thompson with Elder Bagley and I!
8. Sunday bunny.
9. Boman at his first lesson! He's been prepared for the gospel.


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