The Cause of Christ

Good Morning! What I stated last week about this being a very prosperous area still stands. However, that did not stop most of our progressing friends from more or less vanishing on us . . . let me explain! One friend on-plan didn't come to church these past 3 weeks (including the Sunday before we arrived) and she didn't make our last appointment. So we aren't sure what happened there. The other is moving to Colorado, maybe around September 8th. He would have been baptized on the 9th, but it's fine. He'll still get baptized, but for now we are sending him off after we meet next Wednesday. And half our friends attending church are moving back to Taiwan to continue their school! I suppose it was 'unsustainable success' as their parents wouldn't allow them to get baptized here, but they are very dear to my heart. It's tender to watch them learn the gospel, especially in such a short time. They were here in Cedar City for a month, and we showed up hal...