The Covenant Rock
Good Morning!
Fun fact for the week: One of my friends who I helped teach and baptize just went through the Temple last week! She's absolutely amazing, and I'm grateful for this step on her covenant path, even if I couldn't attend because I live in Kanab. I'm proud of her and everything she does to light the lives of those around her.
Okay, enough about Aaliyah.
We drove to Cedar City twice this past week, once for a Zone Council and again for a temple trip with half the mission! Zone Council was an awesome experience as usual, I especially enjoyed spending some time with other missionaries. I'm still impressed by how much there is to learn and accomplish as a missionary, despite how long I've served.
President Staples made a comment during the temple trip that I want to remember. He stated that the same sociality we have here (within the temple) is the same we will enjoy in the Celestial Kingdom. I loved being with so many missionaries who I love and admire, especially in the Cedar City Temple. There was so much talent and potential contained within everyone, that I caught a small glimpse of what God must see in all of us: divine worth, capacity, and desire. We are truly His children, with a purpose far greater than we can imagine now.
As part of our divine potential, isn't it wonderful how we can make covenants with God to help us draw closer to Him? Our friend Kolton was baptized on Saturday. He's super willing, and I love his personality. He has a strong desire to follow Christ and has chosen to to do so. On top of that, one of our friends, Amos, attended his baptism and is continuing to ponder that step in his own life.
Oh, and I got an email this week about flight plans. Turns out my last transfer as a missionary just got nuked. My return date is April 18th. But that's a tender mercy for a few reasons, so this is proof that when everything goes differently than planned, sometimes it's by divine design.
We spoke in church on Sunday. I shared how the Savior can lift us up and give us strength. The way He does this is through covenants made in baptismal fonts and temples. I have constant reminders all around me, pointing me back to Christ and His covenants. There's such a beauty to them that I can't find elsewhere. Truly it is a joy to serve in the Kingdom of Heaven.
I love the Savior.
This is His restored Church on the Earth.
Covenants are the way Home, to Him.
Ether 12:41
And now, I would commend you to seek this Jesus of whom the prophets and apostles have written, that the grace of God the Father, and also the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost, which beareth record of them, may be and abide in you forever. Amen.
- Elder Williams
Mailing Address:
881 South River Road
St. George, Utah, 84790
1. Elder Mitchell driving home from Zone Council.
2. That moment you're going to be late to the temple because someone decided to wreck their car on the freeway.
3. Pretty scenery!
4. Elder Beaudette!
5. Kolton's baptism!
6. Sunsets in Kanab.
7. It was very difficult to get this dog to like us. We prevailed. I also now don't have to worry about a dog bite! Unfortunately his owners weren't home.
8. Cedar City Temple Trip!
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