
Good Morning! Our friend Manny was baptized on Sunday, and I was honored to perform his confirmation. It was a beautiful service, I couldn't have asked for a smoother final baptism to have attended. Everything just fell into place. I'm grateful for Manny's commitment to the gospel and his wonderful family. They're such an example of Christlike unity and have a sincere desire to follow the gospel principles in their lives. I've given the past 2 1/2 years some reflection this past week, but oddly not too much. I am pleased with the mission I have served and the opportunities that I have come. I've made lifelong friendships among missionaries and my teaching friends. I was privileged to have two amazing mission presidents; President Kaluhiokalani & President Staples, with their wonderful wives. I have reaffirmed that the gospel of Jesus Christ is true, and is the most powerful source of strength, motivation, peace, healing, and guidance one could ever need. I...