"Aim for the Donut, Not the Hole."

Good Morning! As anyone with a Facebook account can see, I'm now in the mission field! My first area is Mt. Pleasant, which includes Fairview and Indianola and whatever other small towns are between here and Indianola. This is the furthest point North in the mission, and Indianola is reportedly the coldest part of Utah. I think it was a mistake to tell my Mission President I wanted to go to Ephraim (which is right below me) eventually. But I'm super excited, because it's not even that cold yet! For reference, following an amazing final Sunday at the MTC, my entire district just ditches out on Elder Collier and I before we even are supposed to be awake. So we spent Monday and Tuesday fighting depression and 'not wasting time'. Which just means we found out how bad we are at ping pong, and how to hijack a TV and CD player to play one of the CD's I brought. I know, super convenient. Also, I ran into Elder Ethan Trowbridge, my family may know him. That was pretty co...