
Showing posts from July, 2022

A Taste of Zion

Good Morning!  I have had a very wonderful week. We didn't find anyone new to teach, but we had 10 friends at church! Ten! That's a miracle in and of itself. Elder Gibson and I have gotten along great, sometimes things were rough but we're back at it and working in harmony again. Sometimes it just takes an emotional and literal reset to sort out an issue. Kind of like computers. We have a ton of new people we're hoping to start teaching this week, and Taiji's baptism! He's super prepared, and probably my favorite person to help into the covenant path so far into my mission! I've learned some things from him, and am super excited for this coming week. Time to end the transfer on a high note!  We visited Zion today for Preparation Day. We did the Emerald Pools hike, and visited all three of the pools! There was a little bit of water running, but not a ton, and there were plenty of tadpoles to see. Then we went through a drive through the tunnel and into the Ea...

Higher and Holier Callings

Good Morning! I have had a very busy week, but those are the best ones because it means I'm working. We had a high number of lessons this past week, and introduced a better way to communicate with the wards concerning those we are teaching, and trying to find, in their boundaries. We found one new person to teach, and only two people came to church, but it's not because we didn't work, that's my comfort. We have a number of people this coming week that we could reach out to and potentially begin teaching, and I know there are more hiding somewhere. We'll find them!  Some of my favorite days as a missionary are the days where I don't recall what happened in the morning. We've had days with 6 or 7 lessons, and other activities between, and by 9pm I'm ready to sleep. But there's still work to do, reporting to finalize, and a bedtime routine to complete. Sleep can't come too quickly on those days!  One thing I have come to recognize is the importance...

Celestial Buffalo

Good Morning! We acted on faith this week and goaled to find four new people to teach, and we found them! We also have a number of appointments with potential investigators this coming week, so I hope for more success this coming week! We brought people to church, and the people here are awesome! The members keep giving us food, so we gave away a cake during finding time . . . that was an experience! I'm also about to stop buying jam, as the people of Southern Utah love making their own, and sharing it. I'll be opening a jar of bumbleberry jam this week, it'll be an interesting experience! All our lessons canceled on Saturday, but it opened opportunities to be miracle workers in others' lives. It's a good thing God is in charge, not me! I finally tracked down some buffalo, and the rumors were true . . . they're white! I found white buffalo! Those bison are straight from the Celestial Kingdom! It was amazing, I took a ton of photos, and I'm going back again a...

Mission President Letter Home

To the parents of Elder Williams   President and Sister Kaluhiokalani have faithfully finished their mission leader service presiding over the Utah Saint George Mission for the last three years effective June 29, 2022.  We thank them for their inspired and devoted leadership. Sister Staples and I have been overwhelmed at the love we have felt for, and from, these fine missionaries in the Utah Saint George Mission!  We have had the pleasure of meeting with each of them and introducing ourselves and we wanted to share a picture of your fine missionary with Sister Staples and me. We are from Michigan, where we have lived for the last 20 years and have brought three of our five children with us to Saint George as we preside over the mission for the next three years and learn with, and from, these powerful and valiant young men and women.  We, and the people of Southern Utah, are being blessed for their diligent service and we pray that you continue to see miracles in you...

Seeking and Expecting

Good Morning! We put Taiji on date for baptism! He's excited, and ready for that commitment. We also found a few new people to teach, and we exceeded our goal to get people to church. There's still progress to make, but La Verkin is wonderful. It's also Independence Day today, which is making our Preparation Day a very interesting event.  We have a new mission president and his wife, President and Sister Staples! They're amazing, I love them already and know they love us. Some policies will change, that's to be expected, and I hope to work with the Staples as best as I possibly can! They'll push this mission to greater heights! We met them last week and got to take pictures with them, and hear all about their family. I can't wait for my interview with President Staples.  One thing the Staples asked us to do is to "seek and expect miracles" like our Prophet requested this past General Conference. I have immediately made a focused effort to do so, an...