High Tides Raise All Ships

Good Morning! This has been an eventful week! In fact, it was so eventful that almost nothing happened in our own area, but instead in everyone else's! I did like 3 more exchanges, because they're fun. Wednesday was spent with Elder Goodlad, Thursday with Elder Fiame in my area, and same for Elder Rodriguez on Friday. With Elder Goodlad we found two new friends! That was a relief, and actually the only two new friends I found this week! The two exchanges in Ephraim went very well, except we just made visits and nothing seemed to work. I am striving to "lead by example" and assist my District in the work, but we couldn't find anyone new to teach. We did have some successful lessons! As a result two of our friends attended church. Now we did set a plan for baptism with Boman. He's super excited for it, and wants to be baptized as soon as possible. We had to help him see that there's more to learn, even though it would be cool to do the baptism tomorrow. I...